Concrete in design
2013 | Udine | Italy
Contest #Concrete In Design
sponsorizzato da Alessi + Italcementi
with arch. Marco Savorgnani
We designed the centrepieces in collaboration with the Architect Marco Savorgnani for the “Concrete in Design” contest in 2013, which was actually born from the collaboration between Italcementi and Alessi. The contest called for the creation of an innovative centrepiece which could mostly show the properties of EFFIX, the latest-generation developed mortar to meet the needs of decoration and style within design.
– UNCINETTO: The “Uncinetto” project originates from some food for thought about decoration which, antithetically to Loos’ need for eliminating all style ornamentation, is instead intended to reinterpret the crochet doily that women traditionally used to place on the table, under a fruit bowl.
‘Crochet’ collects together memory, future, tradition and innovation.
– SiO2: The design of the ‘SiO2’ centrepiece stems from the study of Quartz: the raw material that makes up EFFIX mortar. Its typical and natural macrocrystalline shape inspired the architects to create a centrepiece able to reflect this mineral structure and to highlight its flexibility of use in decoration.
The name comes from the composition of quartz: SiO2, silicon dioxide.